Hilo Wastewater Treatment Plant: Outfall Inspection Dive
📑Summary of Outfall Inspection Results from Sea Engineering
In general, the Hilo Outfall appeared to be in good operable condition, with no visible leakage observed along the outfall corridor. The outfall and adjacent seafloor corridor generally appeared stable. The outfall pipe has areas of very densely concentrated coral cover, while in some limited areas the reinforced concrete pipe was exposed. As mentioned in the 2018 report, the exposed portion of the outfall pipe is not an immediate concern; however, regular visual inspections should continue to check for progressive scour and/or undermining of the outfall pipe. Should undermining significantly advanced or further erosion be observed in future inspections, repairs may become necessary to prevent damage or dislocation of the outfall pipe. 📑Read the Full Memo: Hilo Outfall Inspection Memo 2024.07